Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And. . .here we go.

I'm listening to my favorite piano song and listening to the rain pitter-patter to the floor outside. It makes me relax and think about things. (:

Lately, I've been thinking a lot again about how this year is turning out for me. Yeah. I now see it's completely karma or something. My luck's been down the drain. LOL.

My grades haven't been pretty and finals start tomorrow. It's either a make or break with my B's to push up to A's. Physics I'm done for. It's a B. Math I can MAYBE cut it with a 90%. Just maybe if I ace the final tomorrow. English is a lost grade that I will see when report cards come in. APEcon is, I hope, just a B. And APEnvironmental. . .AHAHAHA. This was a failed semester for that class. No kidding. These next three days are going to be. . .a truck-load of stress. So much for my relaxation now. ):

Ugh. I tried twice just now to write about feelings but they both failed. I guess I'll make it simple. I met a guy. We talked and got to know each other better. I wasn't sure if I had a crush on him and I'm still not sure. I thought he was showing signs. I was totally off. He clarified he didn't have feelings. But I'm still a little confused on how things added up. This is the first guy in a while who I just couldn't get the right words to describe. Not in a good or bad way. It's just. . .I don't even know. I'm not upset over anything. But it's been in a while since I've thought so much. Not focusing on him, but just in general on what's going on with me right now.
Maybe I do have a grain-sized feeling for him. But it doesn't matter, you know?

"Never assume the obvious is true."
--William Safire

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