Friday, April 30, 2010

Stress is overrated.

These past two weeks have been ridiculous.

So prom is May 8th. I didn't know I was going to have a group (the limo and out to dinner package) until two weeks ago when a friend came up and told me that she was going to form a group. I was pretty happy because it sounded like so much fun.

By the end of the first week, we had about 15-20 people. Not bad, not bad. But she wanted more people. I didn't mind. I even offered to find a restaurant to eat at. All my requests were rejected the next day.

By the Monday of the second week, things were beginning to turn into serious drama. We hit 27 people. The coordinator was stressing out but kept accepting more people. OTHER people were getting stressed for who knows what. People were seriously getting mad at one another. The problem here? LACK OF COMMUNICATION AND LACK OF MEETINGS.

By the Wednesday of the second week, I tried taking over to get things straightened out. We were up to 40 people and didn't have a restaurant and had limo complications. NOTHING was resolved. The only thing I set was the restaurant and that was that.

I guess the original coordinator took over again. By Thursday, we had the limos sorted out. We had the restaurant. After 2 weeks of distress, I think we're 96% finished.

Maybe this is a rant. Maybe this is story-telling. Maybe this is rude. Maybe this is just what I need to say. People do NOT need to be stressed out about whatnot. Because when someone stresses, that stress SPREADS LIKE WILDFIRE. Some people are even getting stressed for no damn reason when they aren't doing ANYTHING. C'mon, really?

Prom is exactly a week from tomorrow. How is it going to be?

Stress is irrelevant. You can waste that energy on something more productive or efficient. Stress just causes anxiety and it's no use, especially on something that is a one time thing. We don't need things to be perfect. We just need to enjoy what we're planning.

I'm a bit rusty on blogging but this is this. I'm glad things are finally done. . .right?

"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive."
--Lee Iacocca