Friday, January 23, 2009

Time flies.

Finals are finally OVER. No more not knowing what to study for, no more going crazy through all the chapters I've learned, no more of that. Just a three-day weekend sits in front of me.

Though finals were a killer, this week was probably the most I've laughed in a couple of months. I forgot the feeling of how much FUN and how much it feels good to laugh like how I did this week. Thanks to a friend who I've only started to talk to again for about 2 weeks, made me have more than a week's worth of HILARIOUS comments & jokes & videos. [: Thank you.

So, time flies so fast. It felt like just 3 hours ago that I was just freaking out because finals were starting. Now it's over. Before I know it, it's going to be the end of the school year. . .& college-searching starts.

Sometimes I stop & watch time pass by. Every hour, every minute, every second is wasted if it is used carelessly. I wish I spend my time wisely, but in the end, I just waste my time on so many things. Time doesn't stand still for anyone. That's what I've understood this year. Why waste time on feeling sad & helpless when you could replace those seconds on doing something you love? Though sometimes I can't help it & stop a few seconds to be sad about something, I try to tell myself that time is the most important thing for us & it shouldn't be used on useless feelings like that. I'm trying to reminisce less, & getting into the moment more. I'm trying to be more active in events that will probably never come by me for a 2nd time.

My heart is mending but is mended loosely so far. It still aches once in a while from the memories. But right now. . .I don't think I like anyone. . .but it doesn't matter. Why should I like anyone who I would just be wasting my time on, especially after he says no to me? Haha. So lame.

It's almost a month since my grandma's passing. It felt like it was just last week that it happened. Again. . .times passes quickly before our eyes.

"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't
own it, but you can use it. You can't keep
it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it
you can never get it back."
--Harvey MacKay

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