Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'll admit. Sometimes, I may observe, notice, and realize deep concepts and a few of those times, I'm right. But the MAJORITY of the time, I'm dense.
I don't realize subtle hints.

I don't get a whole bunch of dirty jokes (and it's gonna STAY that way >_<).

I may think that someone likes me but I shake it off quickly and forget about it if something realistic hits me and I don't think about it again, even if it may be true. I don't know anything until someone tells me flat out or give me the most OBVIOUS clues that even a monkey would figure it out.

And other times, I might notice that someone doesn't like me/hates me. It's the most AWKWARD feeling to be around the person when they don't like me. I think I know. . .two people who most likely don't like me? Maybe even resent me? But I didn't do shit to them so I don't care and have nothing to be sorry for LOL. I just try and be nice. (:

Oh well. I don't know why I'm posting this but I'm just saying. . .don't hint me. LOL. Because I'm not gonna get it.
And keep my mind clean. I hate hearing dirty things. D:
And if you hate me but too afraid to say it, then you're a pussy. YEAH. I SAID IT. Tell it to my face if I did something wrong to you.

I can't find a quote for this so ):

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