Monday, November 9, 2009

Friend or foe?

I know. I've posted a blog about friends a few months ago but this time it's different.

Today, I've had a few conversations about friendship. . .and it's horrendous.

The first one was practically a, shall I say, confusing deception? Two people don't really like each other but one still tries to act like a friend but the other. . .is furious. The way two friends treat each other past the limit. . .it's outrageous. Yes, ridiculing each other a little is alright because that's what all friends do. But up to the point where it's completely offensive phrase after phrase. . .don't people understand a limit? This may bite me in the back later but I don't know. Like my title of the blog, "Thoughts on paper."

The second was how some people can be self-centered. I guess I've realized that One somewhat self-centered person after the other, I have learned how to deal with it. And now I guess. . .tolerate? Maybe not completely self-centered people but self-centered comments.

I don't even know what I'm blabbing about right now but friendship. . .I can't even tell what a true friendship is anymore. People talk behind each others' backs, they use each other, they pretend to have something between them when there really isn't anything. . .it just leaves me speechless. I know, I may do that too sometimes. . .but I don't know. It just shows how much oddity and meaningless words there are behind "friendship" now.

Tell me, what is a real, true, there-for-you-and-you're-there-for-him/her friend now?

"The path of social advancement is, and must be, strewn with broken friendships."
--H.G. Wells

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