Saturday, October 24, 2009

The soothing sounds of the piano.

I've been really into piano music, nowadays. The only music I've listened to recently is just piano on my Pandora Radio - Yiruma list. I love it. It's so calming. And if I listen to all different piano songs, I wouldn't know if it's a repeat or not because they all bend together and it's just beautiful. (: Like, right now, I'm listening to Daybreak by Steven C. I don't know who the heck he is but his song is wonderful. Some of the music is just heartbreaking but amazing at the same time.

I think I started listening to piano music ever since I heard Yiruma - River Flows In You. That's such a wonderful piece. And then I kept moving up with Yiruma music. Then I listened to Clair De Lune. And then I played a game with the song Before Dawn by Isaac Shepard. And so on. Now it's this whole beautiful playlist. I just love this so much.

I don't know why piano music hooks me on so much. Maybe it's just the calm melody, or maybe the sorrowfulness of the melody. Or even both. [: All I can conclude is that I can't stop listening. When I do. . .then I'm a changed person. [: I don't know. hahaha.

"[The piano is] able to communicate the subtlest universal truths by means of wood, metal and vibrating air."
"No other acoustic instrument can match the piano's expressive range, and no electric instrument can match its mystery."
--Both by Kenneth Miller

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