Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun-filled weekend last week.

This past weekend, January 31st and February 1st, was probably the most fun weekend I've ever had for a long time.

On Saturday, Jan. 31st, I went to the Tet festival. It was very crowded. I was able to be with Kaz, Tammy, Tammy's friend Dean, Jacqueline, Albert, Nhan, and Tammy. (I hope I'm not missing anyone D:) We all met up around 2:00pm and stuck together until about 4:30pm. We played games and ate food and watched a little bit of the show onstage. There were many laughs and good times.

On Sunday, Feb. 1st, I went to the Surf City Marathon held at the Huntington Beach. I got up at 3:30am! And then I got to the sports complex by 4:20am. I saw Albert Ha again so I talked to him most of the time. But he had to go on another bus. I stuck around with the FV Key Club. Finally around 5:00am, our bus came and we headed to the station we were supposed to work at. We helped pass out water to the runners for about 10 hours straight! Very tiring. Afterward, I went to Sugar Shack on Main Street with Selina, Sean and Sam. We ate breakfast at 2:00pm! It was good though. Afterward, we just walked around a little and then I had to go. I was beat.

And now today. . .today has been a tiring day. I'm waiting in anticipation on something for 2 days but I bet the answer will disappoint me greatly and hurt me greatly. Why should I even bother.

Instead of a quote on this post, I'll just put up my cruddy poem. [':

I try various ways to suppress my love for you,
I try to suppress all the memories.
But my heart is chipping away again,
It just can’t seem to be at ease.

I try to avoid you as best I can,
Maybe if I don’t see you, I won’t love you anymore.
But then I start to get pulled towards you again,
Now I’m back to where I was before.

I try to think about how you’ve changed, how you’re different,
How you’re not the guy you used to be.
My mind starts to agree with the thoughts I process,
But it gets chased back to the memories of you and me.

I also try to convince myself that you’ve fallen for someone else,
That I’m not The One in your heart.
But sometimes the actions you make towards me
Leads me back to thoughts of how we can’t be apart.

As my mind fails to come together,
My heart is also conflicted and falling apart.
It tries to get away from the memories and the hurt,
But it always gets pulled back to the start.

As I suffer through the pain of loving you,
How are you feeling at this moment?
Do you miss me how I miss you?
Or is your love now for rent?

1/30/09 ©Eva Lee

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