Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Let your worries blow away.

Maybe this is a very late realization, but better late then never?

I look around and I realize that this world is full of worries. What am I to do? Why isn't things going the way I want it to? I have to do this or else the results won't be like that.

I'm so SICK of seeing and hearing all this. I KNOW that this is a normal human trait and characteristic but it does not mean that it has to take us over.

Worrying makes people intimidated on what they want to do. It pulls them back and never lets them set forth on what they strive for. It doesn't let them live it up.

Yes, I realize that I need to finish off high school strong. My grades need to maintain where they are, or even improve a bit. But this is not going to stop me from living up my last days of high school. I will not worry my days away. I will not slave my free days away with sticking my head into a textbook.

I am highly disappointed at the people I know who don't create the memories and experiences of the rest of senior year. I know that senioritis shouldn't be taking over completely but to live up the rest of the year is not what I call senioritis. I call it enjoying the time with the people who actually enjoy spending their time with me. People who actually realize that I exist. Because who knows, in college, my presence might be a blank spot in other people's eyes.

This year, I have truly learned to take opportunities/chances/risks because they will never come back. Some might come back, but the majority won't.

I sort of observe and have a glimpse of how much worry and fret we will have in the near future so that is why I want to make the most I can of these moments right now. I won't be able to relive these days as an average high schooler. I might not be able to see these people ever again when college hits. That hurts to think about.

Overall, just make unforgettable memories and take those rare chances.

Never look back and see that you've kept regrets in your heart.

"I don't want to survive, I want to live."
--Captain of the ship in Pixar's WALL•E.

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